DPHW - Women's Tag Team Title Match (Triple Tag Team Table)


Three teams of two in a table match for the DPHW Women's Tag Team title!

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Secondary channel over at Ganjing World: https://www.ganjingworld.com/en-US/channel/1g8kngb42ae5UlH2fHIMkGqEN1k90c

My other channels where I sometimes Post:

My UGETube: https://ugetube.com/ @Darkmoon75
My JoshWHOTV: https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/Darkmoon75

Be sure to check out VJay, Canada's premier TV and Radio host: https://vjaycanada.blogspot.com/

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https://discord.com/channels/ @me/1151303153522839652/1241071626016264232