I Pet Goat 3 - Deleted Scene - Seymour Studios - GREENMAN vs SATAN

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I Pet Goat 3 - Deleted Scene | Seymour Studios | GREENMAN vs SATAN


This is my short film & animation. To day I shown you Deleted scenes of I Pet Goat 3. This animation created by Seymour Studios my Original Channel.

After 2019 year started COVID-19 and started I Pet Goat III by Seymour Studios. This film is about the future domination of Islam over the whole world. About the third world war that will take place in the world.
The Green Man is a symbolic savior here

Khidr or al-Khidr (Arabic: الخضر al-Khiḍr "the Green One", also transcribed as Khidar, Khizr, Khyzer, Khizar) is a revered figure in Islam, whom the Qur'an describes as a righteous servant of God who possessed great wisdom or mystic knowledge. In the Quran, al-Khidr was mentioned as a contemporary of Moses who was said to be wiser and more knowledgeable than Moses. The 18th sura ("The Cave") presents a narrative where Khidr accompanies Moses and tests him about his oath to not ask any questions.
The Green Man is a recurring theme in literature. Sometimes the figures of Robin Hood and Peter Pan are associated with a Green Man, as is that of the Green Knight in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The Green Knight in this poem serves as both a monster antagonist and as mentor to Sir Gawain, belonging to a pre-Christian world which seems antagonistic to, but is in the end harmonious with, the Christian one. During the post-war era literary scholars interpreted the Green Knight as being a literary representation of Lady Raglan's Green Man as described in her article "The Green Man in Church Architecture", published in the "Folklore" journal of March 1939. This association ultimately helped consolidate the belief that the Green Man was a genuine, Medieval folkloric, figure.

Satan, also known as the Devil, and sometimes also called Lucifer in Christianity, is an entity in the Abrahamic religions that seduces humans into sin or falsehood. In Judaism, Satan is seen as an agent subservient to Yahweh, typically regarded as a metaphor for the yetzer hara, or "evil inclination." In Christianity and Islam, he is usually seen as a fallen angel or jinn who has rebelled against God, who nevertheless allows him temporary power over the fallen world and a host of demons. In the Quran, Shaitan, also known as Iblis, is an entity made of fire who was cast out of Heaven because he refused to bow before the newly-created Adam and incites humans to sin by infecting their minds with waswās ("evil suggestions").